Sharing the Gospel
GCMM proclaims the Gospel to hundreds of thousands of people at a time through coordinated, high-impact media campaigns. These campaigns connect entire cities to the life-changing message of Jesus Christ through integrating radio, television, print media, social media, and visual advertising.
What’s a Mega City Media Campaign?
How Mega City Media Campaigns Work
Preparing For A Mega City Campaign
- When we receive an invitation based on regional pastoral interest, representative(s) from GCM Ministries will arrive in a given target area to introduce Power to Change concept in general to local pastors and leaders of Christian organizations/churches.
- Based on the vision casting event for Christian leaders, they will introduce Power to Change campaign to their local church boards/decision-makers.
- It is imperative that approval is sought for ads, programs and stories to be put on television, radio, newspapers, magazines, outdoor ads including giant billboards, the public transport system and the internet.
- Next, we gather Testimonies which are key to sharing life-changing stories on TV, radio, and all media available for the duration of the campaign. Technical staff are needed to collect and produce these stories which are also printed in the campaign book as well as the road map to salvation.
- Volunteers from local churches are motivated and mobilized to help in any capacity they are able to. Hundreds of phone counsellors at the call centre are needed 24/7 for the 30-day campaign.
- Thousands of people are needed to deliver the campaign book that has been ordered during and after the campaign ends.
- This is a concerted effort by the local church on the ground in each city a campaign is conducted in. We can do amazing things together working in harmony in the body of Christ.
Launch The Campaign!
- First, we saturate entire cities with the Gospel every day for a month or longer with the gospel message and testimonies from local Christians whose lives have been transformed by Jesus Christ.
- We proclaim the Gospel on radio programs, prime-time television, outdoor billboards, advertisements on public transportation, and through brochures. We also utilize magazine ads and articles, outdoor mega TV screens, Facebook, campaign website, and special events.
- Responding to seekers: People moved by the Gospel message can reach out to us at any time by calling our 24/7 counselling center. One-on-one contact with seekers takes place here and prayer is often asked for.
- To support seekers in an easy and approachable way, we connect seekers to local Christians involved in the Mega City Campaign.
Follow-Up Ministry
- Follow-up ministry is just as important as the Mega City Campaign itself. That’s why we continue offering follow-up support to seekers and new believers who need it for years to come.
- We share God’s love with children by providing humanitarian aid to children living in orphanages and state-run foster homes.
Power To Change Campaigns Are Designed To:
- Support Church growth by bringing churches and Christian organizations together in a spirit of unity. Local believers are trained in evangelism and discipleship.
- These campaigns produce Long-term fruit and they help change the atmosphere in the city during and after the campaign.
- In preparation for the campaigns, we can cast and share the vision of evangelism possibilities in the future.
“This is a new way to proclaim the Gospel to multitudes in our megacities. Many have heard the Gospel for the first time because of the media. On TV they have seen people whose lives have been dramatically changed. You have given the churches in Nepal a new vision.”
Pastor Manoj Prdhananga, Kathmandu, NepalAfter sharing the Gospel, what’s next?
Supporting new believers as they seek to deepen their relationship with Christ and his Church.
GCMM mobilizes hundreds of local churches towards one goal: supporting seekers.
Local churches help us follow-up with seekers. This way, people who’ve responded to our broadcasts can receive the support they need as well as connection to a Christian community in their area.
By partnering with local churches, GCMM is able to connect thousands of interested people to evangelistic resources and supportive communities that can guide them as they learn more about what it means to accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.
Presenting the Gospel to Individuals, Families, Communities and Entire Cities
GCMM has led over 110 high-intensity Mega City Media Campaigns. Included in these campaigns are cities in:
- Russia
- Kazakhstan
- India
- Kyrgyzstan
- Ukraine
- Uzbekistan
- Israel
- Finland
- Iraq
- Cuba
- Palestinian territories
- South Sudan
- Nepal
- Guyana
- Paraguay
- Suriname
- Senegal
- Tanzania
- Lebanon
- Sri Lanka
- Yakutsk
- Mongolia
The response has been overwhelming. Already, these campaigns have reached over 450 million people — with hundreds of thousands of seekers responding to the Gospel and contributing to growth in local churches.