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Bring the Gospel to Senegal

Bring the Gospel to Senegal

Help reach 4 million Senegalese people with the Gospel!

Islam’s influence in Senegal began with the conversion of the King War Jabi in the year 1040. Wide-spread acceptance of Islam did not occur, however, until the period of French colonialism.

Independence from France was achieved in 1960. At the time of their departure 97% of the Senegalese population identified as Muslim. Today it remains steady at 91%. Typical to many post-colonial African countries, the main social challenge that they face is extreme poverty.

Today Senegal is experiencing many early benefits of social and economic development. The future hope in Senegal rests in the fact that 60% of the Senegalese population is under 25 years of age and literacy rates of these young people are on the rise. What an opportunity for the Gospel!

Despite being a religiously tolerant society, Islam remains entrenched. The Gospel has not yet broken through on a large scale. But the local church in Senegal believes that the time to break the 60-year stalemate between Islam and the Gospel of Jesus Christ is now. That is why they have asked for our help with a Mega City Media Campaign in Dakar.

After such a successful campaign in Mongolia, how can we say no? Read how God is working through the Mongolia Megacity campaign to reach peoples hearts!

Preparation with the local church in Senegal has been going on for the past 5 years. We are so excited to move this mission forward to the next phase. And with your help, we can.

The time for a 30 day, city wide media campaign has now come, and with it, so has the need for your fervent prayer and financial support.

Will you help?