News from Mongolia Campaign
Recently, our founder and CEO, Hannu Haukka, returned from Mongolia where we currently have an extended evangelism media campaign underway. This would not have been possible without your gifts and prayer support.
Impact Report 1: Hannu Haukka
We have some very good news from Mongolia! We are witnessing the extended GCMM high-impact evangelism media campaign. We were presented with the number of responses at the campaign office today and the campaign is bringing in beautiful results.
How Beautiful Are the Feet of Those Who Bring Good News
Have you ever been on a mission trip? Have you ever gone “two by two”, house by house, proclaiming the good news like the disciples did? Paul did… and he learned something.
When you do this for the Least of These
“May you always get exactly what you deserve!” I had a work colleague who used to say this to a potential customer every time he was unsuccessful in a sale. It was rude, and it was meant to apply pressure. Somehow, he got away with it.
Impact Report 2: Hannu Haukka
The mega city campaign in Mongolia is producing wonderful fruit. Thousands of Mongolians have reached out to hear more about life-change through Christ, and for many, this has led to personal decisions of faith and welcoming follow-up and discipleship.
Impact Report 3: New Believers Abound!
Churches in Mongolia are small and outreach has been slow and laborious. But now, with the help of the media, churches have been able to reach their countrymen, blanketing their nation with the message of the Gospel.
Impact Report 4: Mongolia Miracle Continues
“This evangelism campaign has significantly accelerated the fulfillment of the Great Commission command to Mongolia. We are taking the Gospel of Jesus to our nation which has been hard to reach by conventional means.”
Impact Report 5: Campaign Wakes Up Nation of Mongolia
The response to the Gospel clearly surprised evangelism teams on the ground. Demand for the high-impact evangelism book exceeded the supply. It only takes a spark, to get a fire going...and the fire continues to grow!
Your Gifts at Work!

encounters with the Gospel

churches involved

requests for discipleship
There are still 450 for Mega-Cities in the world that need the light of the Gospel, like Mongolia did. You can make our next Mega-City Media Campaign happen through your gift today.