GCMM’s evangelistic campaign in Mongolia launched in October has surpassed all expectations. The Evangelical Alliance of Mongolia reports they have not seen a similar high-impact proclamation of the gospel message in the history of Mongolia.
The Gospel Message Challenges Mongolians to the
Cross of Jesus
Campaign Celebration Service Surprises
The celebration service was undoubtedly a highlight of the campaign, organized and held on December 9th at the Ulaanbaatar Palace venue. The assistant director of GCMM, Yuri Ananiev, shared his thoughts: “Hannu, greetings from Mongolia! The big event was unexpectedly wonderful. More than 3,500 people attended, of which about 200 were believers. The majority in attendance follow Buddhism, the religion of their fathers. I have never seen such a blessed event and great acceptance of the gospel message.” It reminded us of the great revival in Russia seen in the early 90’s!
Many Receive the Gospel
The campaign call center had received a call from a young woman. She represented an affluent side of society and had called a few days earlier wanting to come by to pick up her copy of the campaign book personally. Upon receiving it, she touched her forehead with the book and held it close to her chest. One of the stories of a changed life in the campaign book had touched her deeply, and she wanted to read more of the stories.
180 Prisoners Receive Jesus Christ as Lord
The gospel message was taken to the prisons as well during the campaign. The prisoners knew the meaning of sin and its destructive power in their lives. 180 prisoners made public decisions for Christ and experienced God’s amazing grace flowing from His heart. Churches in Mongolia are small, and reaching their generation was slow and difficult. With the help of the media campaign, the gospel message has reached those unreachable by conventional means.
The Gospel Reaches the Remotest Corners of the Country
The response to the campaign transcended expectations. Pastor Myagmardorj and his team set up a campaign booth on a busy street in the middle of the city. The booth generated great interest and crowds gathered close to see what was happening. The campaign books were distributed to interested passers-by. As a result, many new faces appeared the following week at the pastor’s small group meeting.
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The demand for the high-impact book exceeded the supply. 10,000 copies are needed as the campaign continues. The response to the campaign has surprised our evangelism teams in Mongolia.
New Church Plants
As new people started to attend the small group gatherings, the pastor decided it was time to plant a new church! The congregation named the church “Light” and continues to meet weekly.
Revival at the Yurt Village Well
Another church distributed the campaign books to people who came to the village well to draw water in exchange for their contact information. During the two-day well event, 147 villagers in the yurt settlement area received the campaign book with stories of life change as a gift.
The church organized a follow-up event two weeks later, where 40 adults and 15 teenagers arrived to hear the gospel message. At the end of the service, the speaker asked who would like to learn more about Jesus presented in the campaign book. All 55 newcomers raised their hands to accept the invitation for Jesus to be their Lord and Savior.
The Gospel Conquers Hearts Across ”Genghis Khan’s” Motherland
The evangelism campaign that began in Ulaanbaatar last October continues to gain momentum. New churches have since been planted and small groups have been established. The campaign arrived in the province of Uvs in February. Then on to the Dornogovi province. Our national director Boloroo shared that tens of thousands have received the gospel message.
Boloroo lists the evangelism team’s praise reports:
• 10,000 additional campaign books are being printed due to high demand
• Campaign churches are reaching thousands of Mongolian children with the Gospel at children’s camps
• This spring, GCMM has raised funds for three young evangelists assigned to the task of church planting, for thousands who have responded to the gospel message
• In Ulaanbaatar, one of the yurt churches can no longer accommodate the increasing numbers of new believers and has embarked upon a building project. The budget for the project is 70,000 USD, of which about half has been raised.
This pastor of the church in Ulaanbaatar thanks GCMM for the campaign. Many have received Christ. The church has outgrown the “Yurt” (Mongolian tent structure) where they had been meeting prior to the campaign. By faith, the Church embarked on building a much-needed annex.
Many have come to know Jesus as Lord. There is an urgent need to plant and build new churches. The demand for the high-impact evangelism book continues, and 10,000 more copies are needed as the campaign continues. The response to the campaign continues to exceed expectations!
A warm thank you for your prayers on behalf of the evangelism campaign in Mongolia! Your valuable support to expand the campaign is possible from this link. Thank you for your support!
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