Original article posted November 16th, 2023
“May you always get exactly what you deserve!”
I had a work colleague who used to say this to a potential customer every time he was unsuccessful in a sale. It was rude, and it was meant to apply pressure. Somehow, he got away with it.
But here’s the thing in Mongolia… Buddhism is, by far, the most dominant religion in the country. One of the features of Buddhism is the cycle of reincarnation where the deeds and debts of this life will be paid in the next life.
In Buddhism, you always get exactly what you deserve. If your previous life warrants poverty, sickness and struggle in this life, then so be it. You deserved it, and you must ‘pay it’ if you wish your next life to be better.
One of the saddest things that we experienced during this campaign was the lives of families that were so poor and so desperate that they had no choice but to make their living and their home, at the city garbage dump.

A visiting pastor from Russia (to the right) came to minister to these people.

Families with children live on the grounds of the city dump.

Living accommodations for a family
No one helps these families because, in their religion, the most compassionate thing that you can do for these families is let them endure the suffering admirably, earning them a better life the next time around.
How awful. How hopeless.
Here is my gift to keep the Mongolia campaign going
We learned from the local pastor that 300 people are living and working on this dump and that 80% of the adults suffering from alcoholism.
Imagine the pastor’s surprise when one of the campaign book’s ‘heroes’ was someone who grew up there, on the dump! That’s when this pastor knew that he had to join the campaign.
As a result of the campaign, two events were initiated. The first one took place on October 31st. Churches came together to help support this pastor by distributing campaign books, food, hats, gloves and warm jackets.
But the second event that the campaign church teams organized was specifically for the children living on the dump. The Gospel was brought to these dear young ones as they had a bible day camp run, just for them.

Ministering to children who live with their families on the city garbage dump.
These children have had a hard life. When their parents are too sick to work, sorting garbage, the children take their place.
Thanks to your support, we were able to bring these children a totally different message than the one that they have heard their entire lives. We were able to bring them the message of Jesus’ love and God’s grace.
Where Buddhism says “May you always get exactly what you deserve!”, Christianity says the exact opposite.
Grace says “May you get exactly what you don’t deserve… the free gift of life… life to its fullest.”
Let this video of that blessed day warm your heart. You made this possible for these 45 children.
On behalf of those children allow me to say,
Thank you.
Here is my gift to keep the Mongolia campaign goingRead More Stories