Evangelism Campaign Wakes Up the Nation of Mongolia

GCMM’s nationwide evangelistic Mega City Campaign in Mongolia launched in Ulaanbaatar in October 2023 has far surpassed our imaginations and expectations. We can say this after seeing similar GCMM events in over 100 cities on four continents and partnering with literally thousands of indigenous churches.

The Evangelical Alliance of Mongolia reports they have not seen a similar high-impact proclamation of the gospel message in the history of Mongolia.

Church leaders have attested: “This evangelism campaign has significantly accelerated the fulfillment of the Great Commission command to Mongolia. We are taking the Gospel of Jesus to our nation which has been hard to reach by conventional means.”  Without media, it would have taken churches, at best, 50 years or more to reach this generation.

Over the past year, the campaign has rapidly spread from the capital city of Ulaanbaatar to the outermost corners of Mongolia and continues to produce wonderful fruit across the country. Thousands of Mongolians have already reached out to hear more about life change through Christ, and for many, this has led to personal decisions of faith and welcoming follow-up and discipleship. New churches are being planted. The very important campaign follow-up continues.


Here is my gift to keep the Mongolia campaign going

At the Beginning of the Campaign

During the first month alone, the call center received over 300,000 responses from Mongolians who wanted to know more about God’s power and the profound life change of Mongolian believers, prominently presented in the media citywide.

For a nation with a population of 3.3 million people, the hearts of one in ten Mongolians had already been stirred. For every person who responded, it represented a multitude of people who were impacted but did not pick up a phone or go to a computer. For many, the work of the Holy Spirit is still in process.

Thousands of calls and SMS messages have come into the campaign call center with requests for a copy of the Power to Change campaign book. The campaign book is the primary tool for the churches as they reach out one-on-one and follow up with those responding to the campaign message.


A campaign office visit.
The evangelism books being showcased in the local media are a sought-after commodity.


The campaign call center had received a call from a young woman. She represented an affluent side of society and had called a few days earlier wanting to come by to pick up her copy of the campaign book personally. Upon receiving it, she touched her forehead with the book and held it close to her chest. One of the stories of a changed life in the campaign book had touched her deeply, and she wanted to read more of the stories.


The unmistakable presence of billboards during the media campaign has drawn city residents to take notice. The life-changing stories in the Power To Change campaign book are being showcased on television, outdoor ads, billboards, apartment blocks, the public transportation system, radio, and far-reaching social media platforms.


The campaign booth generated a lot of interest and crowds gathered in close to see what was happening. 185 campaign books were distributed to interested passers-by.


A new church was established during the media campaign. Pastor Myagmardorj (in green) and his team, set up a ‘campaign booth’ on a very busy street in the middle of the city.

The following week many new faces appeared at the pastor’s small group meeting, so much so a new church was planted. The name for the church was drawn from a bag after each person wrote their preferred name on pieces of paper. The winning entry was written by one of the new believers. Consequently, the new small group church was named “Light” and continues to meet weekly.

Here is my gift to keep the Mongolia campaign going

Revival at the Yurt Village Well


One of the most actively participating churches in the Mongolia campaign organized an event at the village well where people came to draw their water. The event was held in an area located at the edge of the yurt settlement. Members of the church offered cups of coffee and tea.

The campaign books were distributed to everyone arriving at the well, who wanted one, in exchange for their contact information. During the two-day well event, 147 people in the yurt settlement area received the campaign book with stories of life change. The church organized a follow-up event a couple of weeks later, to which everyone had been invited. 40 adults and 15 teenagers responded to the invitation.

Campaign Book “Heroes”

Two of the “heroes” in the book had been invited to share at the village well follow-up event in person. One of the guest speakers, Tsogtbayar now a pastor, had spent 12 years in prison. The other, Dugerma, was a scientist who had found God while seeking the truth and led the meeting. At the end of the service, Pastor Tsogtbayar made an invitation to all who wanted to accept Jesus as Lord. All 55 newcomers raised their hands, with a desire for Jesus to be their Lord and Savior.

Three boys sitting behind campaign manager Boloroo, had stood out from the rest of the audience because of their rather unusual appearance with piercings and rings on their noses. The boys went to Pastor Tsogtbayar afterwards, to share their story. They were orphans who had aged out of the system and two of them had been grievously depressed about their lives and decided to end it all. They drank poison and lost consciousness, waking up in a hospital.

Fortunately for the boys, their nurse happened to be a Christian woman and upon seeing their condition sent out a campaign book for them. They read Pastor Tsogtbayar’s testimony and were profoundly touched by the man’s story who had spent time behind bars survived and experienced freedom and healing in both his spirit and soul. The boys were moved to tears. They realized that their suffering could not even be compared to what the pastor had gone through.

The pastor prayed for them and encouraged them with the word of God. They accepted Jesus into their lives and said that they did not want to leave the church because of the love and peace that they had received.

The message in the campaign book saved the lives of two orphan boys!

180 Prisoners Receive Jesus Christ as Lord

The gospel message was taken to the prisons as well during the campaign. The prisoners knew the meaning of sin and its destructive power in their lives. 180 prisoners made public decisions for Christ and experienced God’s amazing grace flowing from His heart. Churches in Mongolia are small, and reaching their generation was slow and difficult. With the help of the media campaign, the gospel message has reached those unreachable by conventional means.


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