Celebration Service Surprises

Celebration Service Surprises

The celebration service was undoubtedly a highlight of the campaign!

This great evangelistic event was organized together with the Mongolian Evangelical Alliance. It was held on December 9th at the Ulaanbaatar Palace venue for people in Ulaanbaatar who had requested and received the Power to Change campaign book. It was a wonderful surprise to have access to a venue that could seat over 3,000 people as we had been informed that Christians were not permitted to use the venue for events. This was the first!

The guest speaker for the joint venture was Pastor Tsogtbayar, a “hero” from the campaign book who had experienced the life-changing power of God.

The assistant director of GCMM, Yuri Ananiev, was at the celebration:

“Hannu, greetings from Mongolia! The big event was unexpectedly wonderful. More than 3,500 people attended, of which only about 200 were from local churches since they wanted to make room for those who had not yet come to faith. The churches organized separate celebrations for believers on the same day.  The majority of the 3,300 people at the palace venue had come by the campaign office for their invitations to attend the service.  Those in attendance follow Buddhism, the religion of their fathers. I have never seen such a blessed event and great acceptance of the gospel message.”  

This reminded us of the great revival in Russia seen in the early 90’s!


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Mongolia Megacity Campaign service


The Mongolia Mega City Campaign is having an impact!

Tens of thousands of Mongolians have been reached with the gospel message at special events. Additionally, hand-picked Mongolian believers, “heroes,” shared their high impact testimonies on primetime secular television and radio shows throughout the campaign. Hundreds of thousands followed the campaign on social media. We continue to hear of reports of new churches planted – and the campaign is not over!


To the “Ends of The Earth”

From the capital city Ulaanbaatar, the campaign rapidly spread to target the outermost part of Mongolia, the province of Uvs. The provincial capital of Uvs is called Ulaangom. The city is located 1,337 km (800 miles) west of Ulaanbaatar and 70 miles south of the Russian border. There in Ulaangom, “in the middle of nowhere” so to speak, Mongolians gathered to hear the Gospel, most, for the first time in their lives.


Map of Mongolia


If we refer to the mission field as going to the ends of the earth and preaching the Gospel to all the world (Mark 16:15), the remoteness of the province of Uvs is certainly a prime example. It is hard to find a more isolated place. Maybe the South Pole comes close!


Sharing the Gospel in Mongolia.


The move of God in Mongolia resembles the revival in Russia in the 90’s!

The revival that swept Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union has similarities. The Russian revival was the result of much prayer in both Russia and the West.

It is easy for nomadic herdsmen of Mongolia to identify with Jesus’ parable of the good shepherd: “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbours together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.”

The Uvs campaign showed how powerfully the Gospel has spread in the uttermost parts of Mongolia. Vast numbers of Mongolians are nomadic people and an unprecedented number turned out for massive evangelism events like this one.

Young Mongolian volunteer evangelists travelled to the remote city of Ulaangom to help the church bring in a harvest of souls for the Kingdom of God. The story of the Mongolia Miracle does not end here.

The Gospel Reaches Inner Mongolia

“It only takes a spark, to get a fire going”, and the fire continues to grow!

Mongolians have good relationships with Inner Mongolia tribes under Chinese occupation whereby freedoms for evangelism continue.

The impact of your Kingdom investment in bringing the Gospel to Mongolia continues to grow, and may we continue reaching the farthest corners of Mongolia together.

The Gospel Conquers Hearts Across ”Genghis Khan’s” Motherland

Our national director Boloroo shared that tens of thousands have received the gospel message and listed the evangelism team’s praise reports:

• 10,000 additional campaign books are being printed due to high demand

• Campaign churches are reaching thousands of Mongolian children with the Gospel at children’s camps

• This spring, GCMM raised funds for three young evangelists assigned to the task of church planting, for thousands who have responded to the gospel message

• In Ulaanbaatar, one of the yurt churches no longer accommodates the increasing numbers of new believers and has embarked upon a building project. The budget for the project is 70,000 USD, of which about half has been raised.

This pastor of the church in Ulaanbaatar thanks GCMM for the campaign. Many have received Christ. The church has outgrown the “Yurt” (Mongolian tent structure) where they had been meeting prior to the campaign. By faith, the Church embarked on building a much-needed annex.

Many have come to know Jesus as Lord. There is an urgent need to plant and build new churches. The demand for the high-impact evangelism book continues, and an additional 10,000 copies are still needed as the campaign continues. The response to the campaign continues to exceed expectations!


A warm thank you for your prayers on behalf of the evangelism campaign in Mongolia!  Thank you for your support!


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